
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"I Wish I Was Eighteen Again" by George Burns

Song#:  0018
Date:  01/19/1980
Debut:  83
Peak:  49
Weeks:  10
Genre:  Easy Listening, Novelty, Country

Pop Bits:  Whatever possessed the then 84 year-old comedian (his manager, most likely) to record a country album is beyond me. But the sentimentality of this song and his popularity at the time in films like "Oh, God!" helped to kick this off into his only pop hit that made it to #15 on the country chart. I'm sure your grandma and grandpa were humming right along with this.

ReduxReview:  Oh, God! is right. This is just...well...ugh. Not my thing. I don't think I will ever be old enough to be rocking in my chair and humming this tripe. If I am, then my mind has already gone to another world. Feel free to unplug me.

ReduxRating:  1/10

Trivia: The writer of this song was Sonny Throckmorton who has had at least a thousand of his songs recorded by country artists. It's been written that between 1976 and 1980, he had at least one song written by him on the country chart almost every week. This would have been one of them!



  1. I wish I had that 3:26 back. - M

  2. Chart Run: 83 - 81 - 76 - 65 - 55 - 53 - 49 - 49 - 91 - 91
