
Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Don't Ya Wanna Play This Game No More?" by Elton John

Song#:  0290
Date:  08/09/1980
Debut:  82
Peak:  39
Weeks:  12
Genre:  Pop

Pop Bits:  After the success of "Little Jeannie" (#3), John released this second single from his "21 at 33" LP. The album got its name because it was John's 21st album release and he was 33 years old. It was seen as a kind of comeback after the failure of his previous album, the disco influenced "Victim of Love."

ReduxReview:  This has a classic Elton John style that seems so familiar. It's a solid tune, but just not a standout from his extensive catalog. I'd consider this more of an album track than a single.

ReduxRating:  6/10

Trivia:  The actual title of this song is "Sartorial Eloquence" and listed like that on the album. The single was released with that title in the UK, but in the US the single was released as "Don't Ya Wanna Play This Game No More."


1 comment:

  1. Chart Run: 82 - 73 - 62 - 56 - 50 - 44 - 40 - 39 - 46 - 61 - 74 - 95
