Monday, May 6, 2013

"One Life to Live" by Wayne Massey

Song#:  0358
Date:  10/11/1980
Debut:  93
Peak:  92
Weeks:  2
Genre:  Pop, Adult Contemporary

Pop Bits:  Massey will be well-known to any longtime fan of the daytime soap "One Life to Live." The role of singer Johnny Drummond was created for him after an audition for the show. Massey had a background in music and even had a high school group called The Bompers that released a singled called "Do the Bomp" for the Hanna-Barbara label. Once Massey established his character on the soap in 1980, he found himself in the recording studio making his debut solo album. The album's title track capitalized on the soap's title and sneaked onto the chart for a very brief couple of weeks. Massey left the show in 1984 to pursue country music full-time. He had several singles get on the country chart in the 80s, but none were major hits. However, he did receive an Academy of Country Music nomination for Top New Male Vocalist in 1983. He left the music business behind later in the 90s.

ReduxReview:  Oh hells to the no! This is just awful. Of course, if you are on a show it helps to have a tie in for promotion purposes, but this dreck has to be one of the worst. I don't even think the old Muzak system would even touch this. It is so old-fashioned and treacly that I'm surprised it even made it to the chart. But that was probably due to the soap fans buying it. Certainly couldn't have been from radio support...

ReduxRating:  1/10

Trivia:  Massey toured with country star Charly McClain and the two recorded duets and a full collaboration album. Although Massey didn't have any big solo hits, two of his duets with McClain did reach the country Top 10 in 1985. The two were married in 1984.


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