
Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Eye on You" by Billy Squier

Song#:  2148
Date:  12/08/1984
Debut:  89
Peak:  71
Weeks:  8
Genre:  Rock

Pop Bits:  Squier's album Signs of Life would be his third platinum seller. It did well thanks to the #1 Rock hit "Rock Me Tonight" (#15 Pop). He might have had another multi-platinum LP like his previous two had the follow-up singles done better. This third one stalled at Rock at #29 while circling the basement of the Pop chart for a couple months. The lack of support curtailed album sales and kept it at platinum level. That's not bad at all, but unfortunately it would be his last album to receive any kind of sales certification. It was all downhill from here.

ReduxReviewSigns of Life was not a good album. The three singles from the LP, including this one, were about the best Squier had to offer. Yet even with this one, it nearly becomes iffy due to all the fancy synth accoutrements. Producer Jim Steinman and Squier were not a match made in heaven. I just don't think Steinman knew how to produce a straight-ahead rock tune. He just fiddle with stuff too much, which is apparent on this song. It's not a bad tune and actually parts of it sound like something Robert Plant might have done for one of his solo efforts. However, it's not a great single and it pretty much tanked.

ReduxRating:  5/10

Trivia:  The Signs of Life album was produced by Jim Steinman and on two tracks Steinman brought in some of his cohorts to supply backing vocals; Rory Dodd and Eric Troyer. Dodd got some attention a couple years earlier due to his backing vocals on the #1 Bonnie Tyler hit "Total Eclipse of the Heart," which was written/produced by Steinman. Troyer had also worked with Steinman previously, but before their meeting he had attempted a solo career. He didn't make it big, but he did at least get one song on the Pop chart. "Mirage" would scrape the chart at #92 in 1980.


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